We dog owners have always been fortunate that most pubs are dog-friendly, but the modern pub is not the same nostalgic traditional spit and sawdust pub as before, it’s more a hybrid pub, bar, and restaurant better known as a “gastropub”.
Pub Grub
Gastropubs usually specialise in a particular cuisine, most are child friendly, many are dog friendly and if you’re lucky it will have a beer garden which is ideal for dogs, weather prevailing.
With Summer knocking and social distancing hopefully soon becoming a distant memory, either whilst on holiday or on any given weekend, most of us will end up with our dog in a dog-friendly pub enjoying a pint, a specialist Gin, a bottle of Wine and some chunky chips.
Whilst most pubs are safe for us and our pets, never forget the old saying:
“I bought it from a man in the pub!”
No.1 or No.2 ?
One thing that can be guaranteed when you’re out dinking is that eventually you have to use the toilet, if you’re with family and friends then leaving your dog with them is perfect, its like leaving your phone or wallet with them, pretty safe and you’ll know it will be there when you get back.
Who needs company when you have your dog and a drink?
However, if like me, 50% of the time your only other company in the pub is your dog, especially when on holiday and taking the dog for a walk.
Then whilst most of the time your dog will be safe simply by having their leash tied to the pub bench or table, we would never leave our phone, handbag, purse or wallet on the table, we should also never leave our dog unattended.
We are family !
The reason for not leaving the dog unattended is that to each of us, our dog, unlike a phone or wallet, is priceless and is like a loved family member that could never be replaced.
To potential Dog-nappers our dog is simply a way to make money from, the opportunity to easily unleash and walk out with the dog in a matter of seconds in a busy pub is too good to miss.
Ideally, if possible, asking someone you know and trust to keep an eye on your dog makes sense. But if on holiday or you don’t know anyone, then the next best thing is to use the DOGTIE Dog Lock, its easy to carry, only takes a few seconds to use, is safe & comfortable and provides peace of mind that your dog will still be there when you return from the toilet.
It only takes a minute & they can't "Take That"!
Not securing or keeping your dog safe may result in it being sold by ‘a man in another pub’ a few days later.