Heatstroke can happen quickly and can be fatal, so we know never to leave our dog in car on a warm day. Even in the shade with the window partially open the car can heat up very quickly which can be very dangerous for a dog.
That said, what do you do in those rare times when you have no choice?
For example: - Paying for fuel in a petrol station, - Quickly using the toilet, - Picking up a coffee, And you’re on your own, so no-one can look after your dog?
If you’ve got the money, you could buy a Tesla car, it has a “Dog Mode” feature that keeps your dog cool automatically, using the temperature-controlled air-conditioning, where music plays and there is display on the screen with, “My owner will be back soon”.
We have known Dog owners who carry an extra car key with them, they leave the engine running, particularly with stop-start cars, the engine will switch-off whilst the temperature-controlled air conditioning will continue to run, keeping the dog cool. The spare key allows them to lock the door without turning the car alarm on.
Do expect to be challenged by members of the public who may not know you’ll be a few minutes, or the climate control is on. We’ve been told a sign in the window like the Tesla sign telling them the temperature controlled air-conditioning is on and you’ll be back in a couple of minutes helps. Again don’t be surprised to find a concerned member of the public standing outside your car waiting for you and keeping an eye that your dog isn’t stressed (even with the sign).
Another option is to ask someone in another car or passer-by to pro-actively wait next to your car, again either leaving the air-conditioning on and the door locked or leave them with the dog. Most people are honest and if you have their cars registration number that should help if they and your dog disappears.
Alternatively, and especially at Motorway service stations where there is a grassy area and a bench or shaded safe place, you could use the DOGTIE Dog Lock to keep your dog secure in a comfortable shaded place. Possibly asking someone else waiting or sitting nearby to keep an eye on your dog, confidently knowing no one will be able to take them, the stainless-steel cable and combination lock will keep your loved pet safe and secure.
If popping in to pick a coffee, you could use the DOGTIE Dog Lock to secure them outside of the shop where you know they won’t overheat, they are comfortable and safe and secure with the Dog Lock.
You can also use the DOGTIE Dog Lock to secure your dog to the steering wheel as a visual deterrent to stop an opportunist taking your dog by simply breaking the window, but never leave your dog in a car on a warm day.
Because we like to be prepared for most eventualities rather than the stress of regretting not being prepared we ensure we have certain items in the car, some obvious ones like; - spare jump leads, tyre changing items, touch, super-glue, first ad-kit, tools a lot of us add to that essential list with items like;
Blanket, Water, Snacks (for us or our dog), Toothbrush, Umbrella, Wellies, Gym or swimming gear and we would add a DOGTIE Dog lock to that list too.
If you have any questions about the DOGTIE Dog Lock email info@dogtie.co.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as we get back from walking our dog.